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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Seawoods

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a valuable diagnostic tool used to assess blood pressure levels over an extended period, typically 24 hours. It provides essential information about blood pressure fluctuations during daily activities and sleep. If you are in search of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Seawoods, visit us at Dr Kalkekar’s Cura Clinic, where your health is our priority.


Understanding Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a non-invasive medical test that uses a portable device to measure blood pressure at regular intervals. The device records blood pressure readings every 15-30 minutes during the day and every 30-60 minutes during the night. This provides a comprehensive and accurate profile of blood pressure changes throughout the day and night, which can help doctors diagnose and monitor hypertension.

Why Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is Done

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring serves several purposes:

1. Diagnosis of Hypertension: It helps diagnose hypertension (high blood pressure) and distinguish between sustained hypertension and white coat hypertension (elevated blood pressure in a medical setting).

2. Assessment of Blood Pressure Variability: ABPM assesses the variability of blood pressure throughout the day, which can be crucial for treatment decisions.

3. Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness: For individuals on blood pressure medications, ABPM can determine the effectiveness of treatment and the need for adjustments.

The Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Test Procedure

The ABPM test involves these steps:

1. Device Placement: A small, portable blood pressure monitor is attached to your waist or arm, depending on the device used. It is connected to a cuff placed around your upper arm.

2. Measurement Schedule: The device is programmed to inflate the cuff and measure your blood pressure at regular intervals, even while you go about your daily activities and sleep.

3. Recording Data: The device records blood pressure measurements along with the date and time, creating a comprehensive profile.

4. Normal Activities: During the monitoring period, you are encouraged to maintain your regular daily activities and sleep schedule.

How Cura Clinic Seawoods Can Help

At Cura Clinic Seawoods, we prioritize your heart health by offering comprehensive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring services:

1. Expertise: Our team includes experienced cardiac specialists and skilled technicians who ensure the accuracy of the monitoring and precise analysis of the data.

2. Advanced Equipment: We use state-of-the-art ABPM devices that provide reliable and detailed blood pressure measurements.

3. Affordable Care: We understand the importance of accessible healthcare. Our ABPM cost in Seawoods is competitive, making it accessible to all without compromising quality.

4. Patient-Centered Approach: Our services are tailored to individual patient needs, ensuring comprehensive evaluations and clear explanations of results.

5. Comprehensive Heart Care: Should the ABPM results indicate hypertension or other cardiac concerns, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive cardiac care and a range of treatment options.

Cura Clinic is your trusted partner in prioritizing your heart health. If you require Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Seawoods, our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring your heart's well-being.