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Child Advice & Counseling Clinic in Seawoods

Welcome to CURA, the child advice & counselling clinic in Seawoods – your trusted partner in nurturing happy and healthy children. At our clinic, we understand that parenthood comes with its own set of challenges and concerns. That's why we offer expert advice and counselling to help you make informed decisions about your child's well-being.

Right Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a child's growth and development. Our experienced pediatric nutritionists are here to guide you on the right dietary choices for your child. We'll help you understand your child's unique nutritional needs, ensuring they receive the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for their growth.


Physical activity is vital for a child's overall development. Our child-centric exercise programs are designed to make fitness fun for your little ones. We'll provide age-appropriate exercise routines and tips to keep your child active and healthy.


Quality sleep is essential for a child's cognitive and physical development. Our sleep experts offer valuable advice on establishing healthy sleep patterns for your child. We'll address common sleep issues and provide strategies to ensure your child gets the rest they need for optimal growth.


Vaccination is a crucial aspect of preventive healthcare. Our pediatricians will guide you through the vaccination schedule, explaining the importance of each vaccine and addressing any concerns you may have. We're committed to ensuring your child is protected from preventable diseases.

Digital Wellness:

In today's digital age, balancing screen time and other activities is important. Our counselors specialize in digital wellness for children. We'll provide tips and strategies to help your child develop healthy screen habits and stay safe online.

Our mission is to empower parents with knowledge and tools to raise happy and healthy children. We believe that informed parents make the best decisions for their kids. When you choose our clinic, you're choosing a partner in your child's well-being, and we're honored to be a part of your parenting journey.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward ensuring your child's bright and healthy future.