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Cardiac MRI in Seawoods

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a valuable diagnostic tool used to assess blood pressure levels over an extended period, typically 24 hours. It provides essential information about blood pressure fluctuations during daily activities and sleep. If you are in search of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Seawoods, visit us at Dr Kalkekar’s Cura Clinic, where your health is our priority.


Understanding Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to capture high-resolution images of the heart. It provides precise information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow.

What is the need of Cardiac MRI?

Cardiac MRI serves several important purposes:

1. Diagnosis: It helps diagnose a wide range of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, heart valve disorders, and congenital heart defects.

2. Assessment: Cardiac MRI assesses the severity of heart conditions and provides valuable information for treatment planning and interventions.

3. Monitoring: For individuals with known heart conditions, it aids in monitoring disease progression and evaluating the effectiveness of treatments.

The Cardiac MRI Test Procedure

The Cardiac MRI procedure involves these steps:

1. Preparation: There is generally no specific preparation required for a standard Cardiac MRI. You may be asked to avoid consuming large meals or caffeine-containing products before the test.

2. MRI Machine: You will lie on a table that slides into the MRI machine, which looks like a large tube. The machine creates a strong magnetic field and uses radio waves to capture images.

3. Monitoring: During the test, you will be monitored by a technologist who operates the MRI machine from an adjacent room. It is crucial to remain still to obtain clear images.

4. Contrast Agent (if needed): In some cases, a contrast agent may be injected into your vein to enhance the visibility of specific structures in the heart.

5. Image Acquisition: The MRI machine will capture images of your heart from various angles, providing detailed information about its structure and function.

What is the Cardiac MRI Cost in Seawoods?

The cost of a cardiac MRI in Seawoods typically ranges between INR 15,000 to INR 30,000. The cost of cardiac MRI might vary depending on whether the contrast agent is required or not. To know more about the Cardiac MRI cost in Seawoods, contact our clinic.

Why Choose Cura Clinic for Cardiac MRI in Seawoods?

At Cura Clinic Seawoods, we prioritize your heart health by offering affordable Cardiac MRI services:

1. Expertise: Our team includes experienced cardiac specialists and skilled technicians who ensure the accuracy of the imaging and precise analysis of the data.

2. Advanced Equipment: We use state-of-the-art Cardiac MRI machines that provide high-resolution images for accurate diagnosis.

3. Affordable Care: We understand the importance of accessible healthcare. We offer competitive Cardiac MRI costs, making it accessible to all without compromising quality.

4. Patient-Centered Approach: Our services are tailored to individual patient needs, ensuring comprehensive evaluations and clear explanations of results.

5. Comprehensive Heart Care: Should the Cardiac MRI reveal any heart irregularities, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive cardiac care and a range of treatment options.

If you are seeking an affordable and accurate Cardiac MRI in Seawoods, your search ends at Dr. Kalkekar’s Cura Clinic. Call to book an appointment.